About Elizabeth
Elizabeth is a lawyer with qualifications and a background in town planning and law. She has worked in both state and local governments as a town planner, as well as acting for private sector clients as a lawyer.
She has advised clients on provisions under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 NSW, the Local Government Act 1993 NSW, Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 NSW, State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 and a range of other Environmental Planning Instruments.
Elizabeth has advised clients including developers, architects, contractors, investors and property owners on a range of Local Environmental Court matters.
Property Development
Advising various property developers on statutory interpretation matters, compliance with development consent conditions and acting for developers in NSW Land and Environment Court appeals. Developments include small and large-scale residential, commercial and mixed-use buildings, State significant development and infrastructure projects, aged care facilities, caravan park operators and manufactured home estates.
Environmental Prosecution and Compliance
Defending environmental prosecution, conducting civil litigation based upon planning and environment based claims, including assist clients in successfully negotiating enforceable undertakings and reducing their environmental risks.
Local and State Government
Acting on a variety of matters on behalf of local and state government agencies in relation to the interpretation of statutory environmental and approval obligations, land use and environmental law and associated NSW Land and Environment Court legal proceedings.
Acting for both proponents of renewable developments and separately for landowners on the site of proposed renewable developments in navigating the approval process and land access requirements.
Advising on approvals, environmental, operational, and tenement matters across. Acting on significant project related litigation and assisting with national audits of rehabilitation requirements.
Advising government authorities, project developers and landowners on carbon project development and associated due diligence, project approvals and compliance matters, Safeguard Mechanism rules and reform and National Greenhouse and Energy requirements.