About Michael
Michael is a partner in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, where he primarily practises across public and administrative law, government advisory, and regulatory and occupational disciplinary law.
Over 16 years, Michael has established himself as a trusted advisor to various Commonwealth, State and Local Government departments and entities, across the broad range of matters which impact upon government – including core issues such as statutory interpretation and decision-making, through to Right to Information and record keeping, and the application of the Human Rights Act.
He is known for cutting through the complexity of government problems, providing practical and strategic advice, with a full appreciation of the broader policy environment which impacts upon government.
Michael undertakes litigation in all jurisdictions across Australia, including first level and merits review tribunals, and the Supreme, Federal and High Courts.
Michael has extensive expertise in judicial review proceedings, and with nationalised regulatory regimes, including having acted in more than 100 matters for the various national health regulatory boards; Australia’s regulator for heavy vehicles; and the regulatory authority under the Education and Care Services National Law.
Michael has particular expertise in disciplinary and regulatory prosecutions. He has acted in both criminal prosecution and defence roles since being admitted in 2007, and in Commissions of Inquiry/Royal Commissions.
He is experienced in large-scale governance and legislative reviews and refreshes, including having coordinated the Queensland racing regulator’s response to the Queensland Greyhound Racing Industry Commission of Inquiry.
National health regulatory boards
Acting for the boards in disciplinary proceedings and reviews of registration and other decisions in jurisdictions around Australia.
Major Local Government
Acting in judicial review proceedings successfully defending the decision of the Local Government to proceed with the sale of a major public asset worth $45m+.
Major Government Owned Corporation
Successfully had three successive judicial review proceedings (two in the Supreme Court, and a further one in the Federal Court), which had been brought against the GOC, struck out (two with indemnity costs orders).
A Queensland regulatory authority
Acting in judicial review and on appeal defining the scope under the nationalised regime of the body’s power to condition registration approvals.
Public law advisory
Advising ‘core’ Queensland Government Departments and statutory bodies on statutory interpretation issues, statutory decision-making processes, and foreshadowed challenges and risk mitigation.
Coordinator-General (Qld)
Acting for the Coordinator-General in multiple judicial review proceedings and decision-making advisory steps associated with the development of the Galilee Basin.