COVID-19: Recommendations and considerations for you and your business
The outbreak of COVID-19 is unprecedented, and while the long-term impacts of the pandemic are still unknown, we have put together some practical advice on what it might mean legally for you and your business. We also take a look at key things to consider as Australia begins to move to recovery.
Please see below our COVID-19: Recommendations and considerations for you and your business guides, and our most recent Recommendations and considerations for you and your business in the recovery from COVID-19 guide, that provide detail on some individual impacts and best practice in this ever-changing landscape.
For the most up-to-date information, please visit the Australian Government website.
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team, listed in our articles below, to discuss any concerns related to COVID-19 and the following recovery.
Fifth edition
Please note, this information is correct as at 9 June.
- Corporate & Tax: Managing M&A valuation issues in the era of COVID-19
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution: The future of litigation funding and class actions in Australia
- Human Resources: Managing a health crisis from an HR perspective
- Intellectual Property and Competition: Top tips for organisations transitioning back to ‘BAU’ from COVID-19
- Planning and Environment: The environmental impacts of COVID-19 recovery
- Real Estate: Leasing: Reopening businesses post COVID-19 – lease considerations for landlords and tenants (commercial and retail)
- Construction and Infrastructure: Fast tracking the road to recovery
- Construction and Infrastructure: The money is in the timing
Fourth edition
Please note, this information is correct as at 13 May.
- Tax and Employment Relations: JobKeeper summary
- Corporate: Sign here… or insert signature here
- Corporate and Tax: COVID-19: FIRB provides further guidance
- Employment Relations and Safety: COVID-19: Managing liability in planning a resumption of business operations
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Debt recovering during COVID-19
- Insolvency: Changes to convening and holding creditor’s meetings
- Real Estate: Leasing: Residential tenancy changes in Queensland during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Technology, Media and Telecommunications: Financial Services: Be cyber-safe, don’t hibernate
Third edition
Please note, this information is correct as at 15 April.
Macro Overview
- Corporate: ASX and ASIC announce regulatory relief and clarification for listed entities
- Employment: JobKeeper scheme rules come into effect
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Opportunistic fraud by employees and officers during COVID-19
- Mediation: COVID-19 and effective dispute resolution via mediation
- Estates: Implications of COVID-19 on succession planning
- Allegiant IRS: Continuing to monitor the latest developments of the evolving COVID-19 situation
- Intellectual Property and Competition: ACCC gives green light for COVID-19 cooperation
- Intellectual Property and Competition: Pandemic price gouging a prime consumer concern
- Intellectual Property and Competition: Consumer Law: COVID-19, demands for payment and the Australian Consumer Law
- Intellectual Property and Competition: Privacy: Privacy Act exceptions
- Property, Planning and Finance: COVID-19 changes to commercial and retail leases
Micro Overview
- Construction and Employment Relations and Safety: COVID-19 urgent update for the building and construction sector – border closures and FIFO workers
- Employment Relations and Safety: Aged Care industry: Closing retirement villages to visitors – a no go zone?
- Technology, Media and Telecommunications: Arts industry: Copyright Agency to provide an additional $375,000 in funding to Australian artists and writers, with more funding to follow
Second edition
Please note, this information is correct as at 1 April.
Macro Overview
- Corporate: The Treasurer announces significant changes to the FIRB regime in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Tax: Stage Two – Cushioning the economic impact of COVID-19
- Employment: COVID-19 – JobKeeper payments: wage relief and support for businesses
- Employment Relations and Safety: Modern award changes during COVID-19 pandemic
- Estates: Your personal affairs
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Courts open for business
- Restructuring and Insolvency: Revolutionary variation of Australia’s insolvency system for coronavirus era – novel times certainly do lead to novel measures
- Allegiant IRS: Management Liability, Directors and Officers Liability Insurance – Insolvency and Premium Increases
- Corporate: Insolvency: Register your security interests on the PPSR
- Planning and Environment: State Government urgently amends key legislation and practices in response to COVID-19
- Real Estate: COVID-19: Property acquisition and disposal
- Real Estate: COVID-19: Leasing in precarious times
- Banking and Finance: COVID-19: Update
- Finance: Practical considerations for electronic execution
- Intellectual Property: COVID-19 updates for intellectual property rights holders, applicants and opponents
Micro Overview
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Aged Care industry: Protecting against COVID-19 class actions
- Technology, Media and Telecommunications: Entertainment industry: Legal impact of COVID-19 on the entertainment industry
- Technology, Media and Telecommunications: Data Security: Data Security Checklist
First edition
Please note, this information is correct as at 19 March.
- Insurance and Corporate Risk – ISR and COVID-19: Will your policy respond?
- Allegiant IRS – COVID-19: Travel insurers’ positions
- Employment Relations and Safety – COVID-19: Mitigating the risks
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution – COVID-19: What you need to know
- Intellectual Property: Cybersecurity – Cybersecurity a must as scammers spread infection
- Intellectual Property: Advertising – Therapeutic goods ads gone bad: Rules for industry
- Corporate – COVID-19: Issues for consideration
- Construction and Infrastructure – Your project and COVID-19
- Tax – COVID-19 stimulus package – keeping your business healthy
- Coronavirus – will financiers catch a cold? – 10 March 2020
- COVID-19: A McCullough Robertson resource guide for start-ups, sole traders and SMEs – 27 March 2020
- COVID-19 FAQs in employment matters – April 2020
- COVID-19 – The industrial impact on NSW local government employees – 2 April 2020
- ASX announces temporary capital raising relief and new guidance for listed entities in response to COVID-19 – 9 April 2020
- Parliament passes JobKeeper legislation – 9 April 2020
- JobKeeper Summary – 23 April 2020
- The Court v COVID-19 – 23 April 2020
- Electronic execution: Advice, issues and considerations – 1 May 2020
- Navigating the murky waters of dispute resolution amid COVID-19: Is arbitration the answer? – 14 May 2020