About Mark
Mark is a leading construction lawyer with extensive experience delivering major infrastructure projects and advising clients across various industries.
Mark’s experience includes providing project-specific advice on the administration of contracts including hospitals, water treatment plants, airports, shopping centre developments, infrastructure, commercial, residential and industrial projects and demolition and remediation projects. Mark also assists clients with contract administration issues, commercial wrap-ups and construction disputes.
Mark drafts and advises on all forms of construction and infrastructure related documentation including: alliance agreements; design and construct agreements; operate and maintain agreements; managing contractor agreements; project agreements; supply agreements; consultancy agreements; development agreements development management agreements; project management agreements; subcontract agreements facilities management contracts; standing offer deeds; and other government and commercial documentation.
Assisting Deloitte on the review of QQT AFL (Sydney AMP tower) and on the preparation, negotiation and finalisation of consultancy services agreements, ECI agreement and AS4000 for the QQT Fitout Project, the Parramatta Square development and the Festival Tower Adelaide fit out projects.
NSW Government
Advising a state government department on the preparation and negotiation of ECI agreements, early works packages and main works packages as part of a $6 billion program.
International property developers
Drafting and negotiating entire suites of project agreements, from consultancy agreements to the early works contracts and engagement of head contractor under AS4902 amended conditions of Contract for various developments across NSW.
Shopping centres
Preparing, negotiating and finalising construction contracts, side deeds and related project documentation for multiple shopping centre developments and upgrades.
NSW universities
Preparing and finalising tender documentation including amended AS4902 design and construct main works contract for universities, as well as preparing and finalising their template suite of contracts.
Advising on a range of contractual and contentious matters, including airport upgrades, procurement of new infrastructure and major maintenance projects.